The Iranian The Uber Driver and the Managing Director

He seemed like a friendly guy, the Uber driver.

Siavash chatted to him as they drove along and eventually they discussed Siavash’s employment, or to be more precise, his lack of employment.

The Uber driver suggested Siavash write down his contact details and professional qualifications and leave them with the driver.

What a friendly guy thought Siavash as he completed the online review that Uber sends to customers’ phones. So friendly, that he decided to give the driver a $5 tip. A good investment as this story will demonstrate.

What harm could come form giving the driver his contact details and a list of his qualifications? He’d applied for about 40 jobs since he’d left his home city of Amoli in Iran.

Amoli, a city in which he’d attended Qazvin Islamic Azad University and gained his Bachelor of Engineering Degree, specialising in industrial engineering. He then attended The University of Tehran and received a Masters of Science, again specialising in industrial engineering. The family business a manufacturing company, provided the practical outlet for the learning he’d undertaken at both universities.

Then, December 2018, it all changed. He arrived in Australia, on a skilled migrant visa, no family, no friends, no job.

Only 5 months later another dramatic change in his life circumstances has occurred. He has friends, he lives with a host-stay family and he has a job.

Back to the Uber driver.

A few days after the trip in the Uber, Siavash received a call from the Uber driver and the driver explained that he is a friend of Andrew Downs (Managing Director, SAGE Automation and Director, CDS).

Seizing an opportunity, Siavash called up Andrew Down's profile on LinkedIn. Taking the bull by the horns, he drove to the SAGE Automation premises and presented his CV. Returning from SAGE Automation he rang the Uber driver, telling him what he’d done.

Connecting the dots, the Uber driver rang his friend Andrew Downs, Andrew Downs rang Brett Duncanson (Executive Chairman CDS)  and the rest is history, albeit, a very short history.  May 27, 2019, Siavash became a CDS employee, an employee with relevant experience in a related industry and a Masters Degree in Science, specialising in industrial engineering.

Sometimes the ducks do line up.

Mutual admiration, is one of the themes of this story. CDS is impressed by a young migrant, full of energy, with outstanding qualifications and related professional experience.

Siavash is equally impressed by CDS. Typical of his generation, the environment is of paramount importance. He’s impressed by the role CDS is playing in improving the Australian environment.

This is also a story full of happenstance, serendipity, but there has to be hard edge. How will he contribute to the CDS story and importantly add value for the Recycling Depot Owners who use CDS technology?

Siavash talks enthusiastically about the future of the CDS technology. Why wouldn’t he. He’s young, enthusiastic, about to start a new chapter in his life in a new country. He wants to contribute, to make his mark.

Arriving in Australia he volunteered at the Campbelltown City Library, because he wanted to contribute to his local community. Now as a member of the CDS staff he wants to impact on the service the Recycling Depot Owners receive from CDS.

Stand back. If his infectious enthusiasm for his new life and his local community is reflected in his professional life Recycling Depot Owners will be the beneficiary.

As the impact of Siavash’s employment takes effect, who do we thank?

The Uber driver

Siavash, for making the courageous decision to migrate

Andrew Downs for capitalising on a seemingly unremarkable piece of information

Brett Duncanson for following through on Andrew Down’s suggestion


Is it just fate, luck, chance?

Who knows, but if the end of this story is as good as the beginning, Recycling Depot Owners using CDS technology are due for even better times.
